So, I just sent off an email with a few paragraphs of a story to my local writing group. This was inspired by a suggestion made a few weeks back about doing some cooperative writing. But due to life getting in the way, it was never getting started and so I (perhaps unwisely) volunteered to… Read more »
Posts Tagged: expression
Journal Entry – Nov 9, 2015
My novel is moving along. I am always impressed with people who can actually complete the National Novel Writing Month (or whatever it is called). 50,000 words in 30 days is no small feat. I don’t think I could do it – and not have it turn out into anything worth reading (or editing). That… Read more »
Journal Entry – Nov 1, 2015
In writing (or reading), imagine how boring a character would be if they were just angry or only sad. A purely evil or good character is not only unrealistic, but also quite dull. Yet, think of how interesting a murderer would be if he/she also always visited his grandmother with flowers.
Journal Entry – Oct 30, 2015
The novel I am working on, fitfully for far too long, keeps changing underneath my very well laid out plans. This is a good thing, as it seems that the characters are more fleshed out, more real, have stronger personalities that can move about on their own, while I am desperately try to keep up… Read more »
Journal Entry – October 25, 2015
I have been making strong, steady progress on my longer piece of fiction. It has taken me quite some time to get to this point, a lot of frustration and self-doubt, but the story is finally coming together.
Journal Entry – Oct. 16, 2015
For me, the activity itself is not enough. When I go for a walk, I want to have a purpose for the walk beyond itself (e.g., seeing a sight, finding a clue on a treasure hunt, etc.). If I exercise, it is not just to lose weight and get healthier, but rather to develop a… Read more »
Journal Entry – October 14, 2015
Watching bad B-movies makes me wonder if my own writing is as stilled and one dimensional. I suppose many authors (aspiring or otherwise) feel this way. But the goal for me is to create something enveloping, but how does one know if it is so? If a story is not enveloping, not immersive, if it… Read more »
Black Friday
A prevalent drive of individuals in this society is to be a part of the crowd, to belong to a movement, something greater than oneself. This drive is greatly alluring. Regardless if people really love Twilight or the Democratic Party or Dr. Who, there is an attraction of sharing an experience or an emotion with… Read more »
Expressing One’s Potential
The mind dreams of possibilities and potentials and is cursed by the inability to express them all. The disconnect between our dreams and reality is felt during the weeks after New Year’s, when resolutions are put to the test and people find that it is much harder to write that book or run that mile… Read more »
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