There is currently a terrific amount of social debate and disruption, with marches and protests regarding Black Live Matter, systemic racism, climate justice, LGBTQIA+ rights, policy brutality/reform, and more. Tensions are justifiably high and perhaps even aggravated due to it being an election year in the US. That being said, I have been thinking on… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Musings
The Slow Music Movement – Women in the Ambient Music World
I found this article recently, and it has just so many amazing artists that I feel I ought to boost it in my own small way. It is a three part list, so I am pasting all three links below. I spent the better part of my day going through these (and probably will again),… Read more »
Current Favorite Song
I will play this song for everyone. I think it is one of the best things to come out in ages. Yes, it is electronica, and yes, it has that heartbeat that might not be for everyone. It also doesn’t have any singing, although I am generally in favor of that (something I’ll likely write… Read more »
Journal Entry – Nov 1, 2015
In writing (or reading), imagine how boring a character would be if they were just angry or only sad. A purely evil or good character is not only unrealistic, but also quite dull. Yet, think of how interesting a murderer would be if he/she also always visited his grandmother with flowers.
Non-Conventional Weapons and a Lasting Peace
Currently reading the book Greek File, Poison Arrows and Scorpion Bombs by Adrienne Mayor, detailing the use of unconventional (i.e., chemical and biological) weapons in the ancient world.
Flaws Make Beauty
Flaws make beauty. Anyone can draw a perfect tree. It happens to look like a lollipop. However, with a crack in the bark, a wilted leaf, a hole from a worm, a knot in the wood, the tree takes on character and depth.
Consistency and Hypocrisy
People are, obviously, not characters in books. They are not consistent and not easily summed up in a few words. They are contradictory and surprising. It is easy to stay angry at someone while buying into one of these narratives – e.g., “He is always critical” or “She never wants to do what I like”… Read more »
Learning History
History allows us to bear witness to the past. It is nothing short of amazing that whole kingdoms and empires rose and collapsed, that people lived and died for their ideals, and yet few people today know anything about them. It is amazing because history has amazing stories to tell, lessons to teach, and those… Read more »
Expressing One’s Potential
The mind dreams of possibilities and potentials and is cursed by the inability to express them all. The disconnect between our dreams and reality is felt during the weeks after New Year’s, when resolutions are put to the test and people find that it is much harder to write that book or run that mile… Read more »
Devil’s Advocate
Playing “devil’s advocate” is a lazy way to seem intelligent because it has guaranteed success. If there is likely no such thing as an objective truth (link), i.e., something that is true regardless of time and place, then any statement or thought will have exceptions.
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