My novel is moving along. I am always impressed with people who can actually complete the National Novel Writing Month (or whatever it is called). 50,000 words in 30 days is no small feat. I don’t think I could do it – and not have it turn out into anything worth reading (or editing). That… Read more »
Posts Tagged: fiction
Journal Entry – Oct 30, 2015
The novel I am working on, fitfully for far too long, keeps changing underneath my very well laid out plans. This is a good thing, as it seems that the characters are more fleshed out, more real, have stronger personalities that can move about on their own, while I am desperately try to keep up… Read more »
Journal Entry – October 25, 2015
I have been making strong, steady progress on my longer piece of fiction. It has taken me quite some time to get to this point, a lot of frustration and self-doubt, but the story is finally coming together.
Journal Entry – Oct. 16, 2015
For me, the activity itself is not enough. When I go for a walk, I want to have a purpose for the walk beyond itself (e.g., seeing a sight, finding a clue on a treasure hunt, etc.). If I exercise, it is not just to lose weight and get healthier, but rather to develop a… Read more »
Journal Entry – October 14, 2015
Watching bad B-movies makes me wonder if my own writing is as stilled and one dimensional. I suppose many authors (aspiring or otherwise) feel this way. But the goal for me is to create something enveloping, but how does one know if it is so? If a story is not enveloping, not immersive, if it… Read more »
Consistency and Hypocrisy
People are, obviously, not characters in books. They are not consistent and not easily summed up in a few words. They are contradictory and surprising. It is easy to stay angry at someone while buying into one of these narratives – e.g., “He is always critical” or “She never wants to do what I like”… Read more »
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