In the past, I have read that one should always “stay hungry.” I have generally taken that to mean that one should always be ambitious, never to rest on one’s laurels, etc. But it seems that there is a more literal truth to this – being hungry is not only good for me to lose… Read more »
Posts Tagged: control
Journal Entry – Oct 13, 2015
I am making strong progress on my longer piece, will probably be about as long as Neil Gaiman’s Coraline. I have to be careful about the tone of the story. I find that when I force it, it comes off as distracting to the moment described. Yet, I want the story to be fun –… Read more »
Expressing One’s Potential
The mind dreams of possibilities and potentials and is cursed by the inability to express them all. The disconnect between our dreams and reality is felt during the weeks after New Year’s, when resolutions are put to the test and people find that it is much harder to write that book or run that mile… Read more »
Must all Debts be Repaid?
Debt is a very confusing topic, mixed up with economics, politics, morality, and religion, not to mention a wide spectrum of emotions from grief and apathy to anger. The book Debt by David Graeber delves into several of these aspects in his history, and opens for discussion a key question: What role and to what… Read more »
Devil’s Advocate
Playing “devil’s advocate” is a lazy way to seem intelligent because it has guaranteed success. If there is likely no such thing as an objective truth (link), i.e., something that is true regardless of time and place, then any statement or thought will have exceptions.
Nature vs. Nurture
In the dichotomy of nature vs. nurture, nurture wins. Most characteristics that tend to be placed in the nature column in fact belong to nurture, such as much of the supposed gender divide. The sometimes held myth that women are not as good at mathematics, for example, is more a result of imposed gender roles… Read more »
Sobriety and Control
In the current debate about the War on Drugs, there is an underlying current of what the acceptable amount of intoxication is in society. This really centers on control and has little to do with sobriety per se.
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